Monday, November 16, 2020

Cheerleading workdays

“Babes, panties down, asses up” - these words, gently spoken by team leader, always meant big troubles for girls from cheerleading squad.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

A little lesson for daughter-in-law

Being an active mother, she wants to be sure that her son's married life will be happy and carefree.


Friday, November 13, 2020

Spanking never ends

Sorry, democrats supporters, but when I say that I have never seen the bigger hypocrites than you, I know what I mean. This assertion was proved once again when after short tumblr-discussion (I had to find out that I am "racist" and "nazi") my account was terminated by Tumblr support due to another spanking blogger report on "adult content" (oh, really?). Thereby among the hundreds of similar soft erotic accounts, my tumblr account with 800 followers (and without any porn), appeared to be "the most dangerous".

Nevertheless. Accounts and blogs appear and disappear, but only spanking is eternal. So the work will continue here (now I believe - until the next report from you). And it will continue for

And of course partially for you.

But for now a little cute video (because spanking content is illegal too 😆).

Friday, October 23, 2020

Just few good pics and couple of spanking videos (banned by "new freaking positive tumblr")

But such spanking / erotic content is still not a problem for Blogger. So let it be.


Some spanking classic

Some artificial spanking

And just a beauty

And not banned (yet) spanking content - here

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Naked Women's Wrestling League. As hot as spanking

15 years ago Carmen Electra made an amazing sports product. Now NWWL is defunct, but we still may admire these hot shots